Saturday 12 March 2016

Tips For Weak Mind

Focus or the process of focusing, refers to the cognitive process of selectively concentrating, on a single aspect of given information, irrespective of whether it is subjective or not and effectively ignoring all other information around it.

It is a process where there is special attention placed on any point (also known as focal point) which becomes the beginning of a process of cognitive behaviour. When we place our focus on something, what technically happens, is that our eyes initially see the entire object of attention, the brain then sends signals to the eyes to look at that particular focal point were the eyes then focus and stay focused, till the entire process of scrutinizing is completed.This is called visual focus. Visual focus is the main form of focus as far as our day-to-day life is concerned. The power of focus is highest with relation to visual focus, simply because the object is not being imagined, which the case with meditation is.

While meditating, we close our eyes and focus on a single point (mostly the Ajna chakra or the third-eye) between the eyebrows and try to hold that attention. This is far more difficult to do.

Along with visual focus, there is auditory focus or focusing on the sounds or a particular sound. This process may involve selecting a particular sound out of a multitude of sounds playing simultaneously or it may involve recognising and then focusing on a particular sound. A good example of auditory focus in our day to day lives, is when we listen to music in a very loud and disturbing environment. It sometimes happens that even with headphones and full volume, we can't concentrate on the music because of the background disturbance.

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