Saturday 12 March 2016

Fashion and You (Website)

Fashion and You is very popular for online shopping for clothes and accessories, with men, women and children alike. Providing a wide range of products and high-end brands always makes for a sure shot formula for success. One can find top-notch brands on this website, even some of which do not have an outlet in India. Versace, Giorgio Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, Elizabeth Arden, Mango are just a few names behind the revolutionary success of this website. Having a huge customer base and very transparent policies regarding transactions, this website is fast becoming the one with the largest market share in online shopping for fashion.

Just as the online platform is evolving and reaching new heights, so does the power of Internet to spread news, market your products and use it as a tool for many strategies. Being used as a powerful weapon, this medium is an integral part of marketing strategies, both to promote one’s products as well as sabotage those of the competitors. Many times, in order to bring down the competition, the competitors stoop to the level of slinging dirt on the successful companies in order to tarnish its brand image and reputation. This strategy isn’t new and the biggest example would be Fashion and you.

With the reach and exposure one attains via the Internet, it is very easy to spread fake rumours and reports about a particular company, in order to bring it down from successful pedestal. This is nothing but a vile strategy of vandalism to create doubt and suspicion in the minds of customers, especially the ones for online shopping. Most of these customers read reviews about a website before making a transaction with them. In such a scenario, planting fake reviews of incompetency and fraud will deter them from being associated with the website. Though a cheap ploy, its effects greatly increase when it is done on a mass level on the online platform.

The website in question has a lot of loyal customers, many of who have written testimonials and given positive feedbacks. However, after being targeted by such unethical tactics, a website like Fashion and You has the only option of placing their trust in their customers, hoping that they would not let them down. After all, the number of satisfied customers and the association with classic brands has to count for something.

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