Saturday 26 March 2016

20 simple tips to be happy now By Dr. Timothy Sharp

20 simple tips to be happy now By Dr. Timothy Sharp 
Author of “The Happiness Handbook”  Founder of The Happiness Institute


This   e-Book   is   based   on   Dr.   Sharp’s   popular   publication  “The  Happiness  Handbook”.    Each  of  the  tips listed here is described in more detail in this book, which also has a series of accompanying workbooks.  
This e-Book is also based on the following philosophy: 
Happiness is the ultimate purpose in life
Happiness is achievable, for all of us
Happiness  is  determined  more  by  our  minds  than by our circumstances
The  disciplines  that  will  lead  to  and  enhance happiness  (such  as  helpful  thinking  and  good 
habits)  can  be  learned  and  mastered,  with  practice.  

Tip 1
Make happiness a priority.
  If happiness is not at the
top  of  your  list  then  other 
things  will  take  precedence.   
If other things take precedenc
e, they may well interfere
with your efforts to feel good.  

Tip 2
Make plans to be happy.
  Those who fail to plan, plan
to fail.  Just like in any
other life domain,
 the successful
pursuit of happiness requires planning.  

Tip 3
Set  happy  goals.
  Following  on  from  Tip  2,  planning 
requires  effective  goal  setting.    And  don’t  forget  to 
make    sure    your    goals    are    SMART    (specific,   
measurable, achievable, relevant and timed). 

Tip 4
Do  things  that  make  you  happy.
    Although  this 
sounds  obvious,  many  people  simple  forget  to  do 
things from which they gain pleasure.  And do them as
often as possible.  

Tip 5
Set    yourself    tasks    from    which    you’ll    gain   
    As  well  as  pleasure  and  enjoyment, 
satisfaction is also an impo
rtant part of happiness.  So
make  sure  that  when  you’re  planning  your  tasks  and 
activities  you  include  things
  that  might  not  be  fun,  but 
from which you’ll gain a sense of achievement.  

Tip 6
Play  and  have  fun.
    Don’t  take  life  too  seriously.   
Although we all have responsib
ilities there’s no reason
why  we  can’t  approach  much  of  our  lives  in  a  playful 
manner.  In fact, those who do so will undoubtedly be

Tip 7 
Identify where your strengths lie. 
Know where your
faults  and  weaknesses  are  to  avoid  problems.    Know 
where  your  strengths  lie  to  be  really  happy  and  to 
succeed in life.  

Tip 8
Utilise  your  strengths.   
Although  we  all  can  and 
should  endeavour  to  improve 
in  areas  in  which  we’re 
weak  there’s  just  as  much

,  if  not  more,  to  be  gained 
from   focusing   on   the   maximal   utilisation   of   your  
strengths   (including   all   your   positive   qualities   and  

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