Saturday 12 March 2016

Anxiety (Turn into Positive Action)

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress; however, excessive anxiety can lead to phobias, panic attacks, PTSD and health related issues. Medical or psychological interventions offer some relief for these disorders. However, most event-specific anxiety (life changes, relationship conflict, illness, minor loss, etc ) can be worked through with a positive attitude, basic coping skills and effective protocols.

The following strategies have been effective in eliminating the physical and emotional discomfort of anxiety: herbs, essential oils, meridian tapping, breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, hypnosis, yoga, massage, prayer and contemplation, acupuncture, distraction activities, exercise, food, beverages, psychotherapy, and medication. One acupuncture treatment restored me to calm and ease after I received a cancer diagnosis. Without the internal trembling, I was able to research treatments and choose the ones that were right for me.

Both anxiety and fear trigger a physical response within your body: fight (take on the battle), flight (avoid the situation) or freeze (hide from it). However, a chronic state of “high alert” compromises your physical health and emotional well-being.

Below is the Look, Listen and Act Approach to reducing and eliminating anxiety. It allows you to change your perception, take your power back and move through anxiety with ease:

LOOK - Stop and face the imagined fear. Accept (do not judge) your feelings or yourself. Allow anxiety to move through you instead of run or hide from this feeling. When you focus on and slow down your breathing, you are then able to stop the internal chatter and think clearly. You might say to yourself as you take some slow deep breaths, “My stomach is churning when I think of facing my husband in court but right now I am safe.” (Tune into the safety of the present moment not the future event that is happening in your mind.)

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